Monday 20 September 2010

Ruth (Diary of a Bride's) Wedding Report

Ruth and Jason Fox married at Vardioli Beach on the 29th of August 2010, Ruth has written a lovely report of her day and how she was feeling, i'm sure you will find this helpful when planning your wedding day!

We arrived on Thursday evening of 26th August 2010 at the Zante Star in Tsilivi. Poor Helen and Irene didn't know what had hit them I think. 23 people all excited about the events of the week ahead is enough to frighten anyone. We partied on until about 2am which probably wasn't the best idea as Jason and I had to meet with Francis in Tsilivi Travel at 10am.

We woke up to a good old fry up to soak up the beer and headed off to the wedding planners and to our joy it was literally a 10 minute walk from where we were staying. Francis went through what would be happening on the day, confirmed numbers and went through everything she thought we needed to know. I can actually say that I don't think she missed anything out, she was amazing. The time of the wedding was confirmed and we booked the videographer for the whole evening and Francis went through the "Storybook" photographs and the packages available and you will be pleased to know that we booked the whole lot, especially after seeing the pictures.
The morning of the wedding and early afternoon was pretty horrific for me. I'd had no sleep since we had arrived as I was really nervous and anxious and also Jason snores like you wouldnt believe. The night before I had to listen to Jason, his son Jake and Jakes friend all snoring in unison. I climbed out of bed at 7am and found a bed at the side of the pool, covered myself in towels hoping to catch a few z'ds. Clearly this wasn't going to happen with the cleaners pottering around and then Jason checking on me. Needless to say I was in the worst mood I have probably ever been in. I put this mood down to nerves!! Anyway, I went back to bed at around 10.30am and managed a couple of hours. Jason came to see me and I burst in to tears, I was a wreck. I felt much better after a cuddle from my future husband.

We were getting married at 6pm so the plan was to start getting ready at around 2pm. The girls in the Zante Star decorated my room with flowers and banners and put a bottle of champage on ice for us, which I thought was a lovely gesture and just what was needed to relax us and get us in the party mood. And to hopefully cheer me up seeing as I was about to enter the most happiest day of my life. My Mum came up to see me and I managed to control my tears as did she. Good job really as I don't think I would have stopped.

My cousin Rachel was doing mine and the bridesmaids hair so while she did Helens, the chief bridesmaids hair, I dried mine. Then while Rachel curled Fayes, my little bridesmaids hair, Helen did my nails. It was only when Rachel began to do my hair that I actually started to calm down and enjoy the whole thing. My Dad came up to my room when everyone was leaving on the coach and him Helen and I had a little glass of champagne and a moment which I will never forget.... My Dad was speechless when I put my dress on. Helen said to my Dad "Doesn't she look lovely" and all he could say was "Beautiful". How I didn't cry then I'll never know.

We made our way down the stairs (after my friend Kenny asking the owners to clean the dog poo off them). I was so embarrassed walking in to reception and waiting for Francis to arrive in the car. Eventually we were on our way and the journey is a complete blur. All I know is that I think I waffled all the way there.

We pulled up at the venue and Helen joined the other bridesmaids. Lukas the photographer and Michelle were immediatley snapping away with their cameras as I was getting out of the car. A few more pictures and then the entrance music started. My legs were like jelly but they were heading in the right direction so I suppose that was something to be thankful for. As I approached Jay, I felt tears piercing my eyes, I fought it but couldn't stop them rolling down my face. The music stopped and the registrar began the ceremony with Francis translating in English. It was literally over in minutes but those words still remain "I give this ring as a token of our everlasting love". It was short and sweet but to the point and the words were perfect. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way!!

Once all of the pictures had been taken Jason and I and our party of 47 sat down to a BBQ meal which I must say was delicious!! Typical greek style souvlaki and burgers. I don't think I heard anyone speak for about half an hour while we all tucked in to our food.

Then the speeches which I have to be honest and say I can hardly remember what was said other than my Dad kept telling me to shut up when I was trying to correct him. Jason hadn't prepared a speech so managed to come up with a few words and then handed out the presents to the best men and the bridesmaids. One of the best men, Mick, read out some of the cards and managed to bring out a few more tears only this time they weren't mine. My Mum and friend Monica had written the nicest messages I have ever heard.

Then the party started.........

About 9.30ish they played our first dance and towards the end the fireworks went off. Such a fabulous way to end our first dance and everyone sat in looking in to the sky at the beautiful colours.

As we partied through the evening, we had a few surprises. First one was one of my friends, Kenny, coming from behind the screen dressed as a woman while all the ladies were lined up for the videographers. Then my bridesmaid Helen and one of my friends, Rachael, decided they wanted to go skinny dipping in the sea. The owner of Vardioli, Spiros, thought it was such good fun that he joined in. When the girls got out of the water and got dressed he decided to pick them up and run back in to the sea with both of them. Luckily enough the bridesmaid dress wasn't ruined or he would be getting a bill!! LOL Needless to say, the male side of the party were happy to see 2 young women running around with no clothes on.

Then the night came to an end and I was gutted that it was all over. At least I have my memories and photographs of the day.........

All that remains for me to say is a huge "THANK YOU"! It was the most memorable time of my life and this wouldn't have been possible without Lisa and Francis for sorting everything out for me. You will both remain in my thoughts forever and I thank you both from the bottom of my heart for giving me the wedding I have dreamt of since I was a little girl. Everything, and I mean everything was perfect and went without a hitch. Absolutly no complaints from anyone, the whole party enjoyed every single second.

I can guarantee, anyone reading this and contemplating getting married abroad..... DO IT! You won't regret it, I promise. You will have the time of your life xxxxx