Monday 26 July 2010

Considering a wedding abroad??

Would you like to discuss your wedding plans in more detail with one of our specialist wedding planners?

Why not come along to our wedding weekend in Thelwall, Cheshire and discuss your plans for your wedding in Zante, Cyprus, Santorini and New York.

Book a consultation to speak to a wedding planner and a wedding travel expert about your wedding plans.

Each consultation last about 1.5 to 2 hours and is completely free, places are booking up fast so don’t delay, book your free, no obligation consultation today.

call on 0845 9000 905 or email

Monday 5 July 2010

Thanks to all those that came along to celebrate the launch of Overseas Experience Ltd on the 3rd of July. What a brilliant day, the sun came out, there was plenty of fizz and good food - even after Mia had finished with the Sausage rolls!! (only kidding Mia)

Here are a few of our fave photos from the day.

Thanks to
Steph and Tim - for taking our photos and making tea!
Katie from Diamond and Pearls Bridal
Tamarin from Lymm Pages
Widnes Wedding Limousine and Car Hire
Judith - the most talented Multi tasker in the world
Jean for making our beautiful cake.
Jo's Mum for the best scones and Eccles cakes on the planet - I've heard that one guest tool 6 home in her bag!